Strong abs don’t just help you look lean and strong, they assist when sitting, standing, walking, running and jumping.

Coolest way to get the blood flowing through your body, work some great muscle groups and work up a sweat!

40 jumping jacks
40 bicep extensions
40 side jacks
40 chest expansions
40 toe tap hops

10 should tap + rotation
10 alt arm/leg raises
10 sit-outs
10 side plank raises
10 side plank leg raises
10 side plank rotations

A workout that uses both static and dynamic poses to test the ability of muscles to recover from exertion.

Knee and Palm Strikes
Lunge Push Strike
Heal Click + Palm Strike
Cross Chops
Plank + Shoulder Taps

Half Jacks
Jumping Lunges
High Knees
Calf Raises
Jump Squats

I am turning DOWN the volume of negativity in my life, while simultaneously turning UP the volume of positivity

Each sequence of numbers is a verbal representation of the sequence before it.

Push Ups
Elbow to Knees
Reverse Crunches
40 toe tap hops

Take the first letter of each word and place it at the end. It will spell the same word backward.

A workout that will give you the chance to improve muscle tone, strength and muscular control.

A fast, energizing, workout that delivers on effort and sweat but doesn’t drain your energy banks.

Second Place. If you pass the person in second, you take second place, and they become third.

There are four main muscle groups that make up the ab wall. This workout is designed to help you test each one of them to get results.

Candy Crusher will work your legs, your lungs and even your arms and back.

A strong abdominal wall affects everything. The way you sit. How you walk. Your performance in every kind of sport.

I must remember the incredible power I possess within me to achieve anything I desire!

Start today by appreciating that you’re alive and have a body!

Combat moves make us fitter and smarter but it’s the sensation of freedom of movement and control over our own body that turn it into a real joy.

Show an active interest by asking questions when talking to others!

S, O, N. The sequence is first letter of the months of the year. September, October, and November are next.

Upper body work needs to be consistent and persistent! This workout will keep you moving forward on your fitness journey.

Because if they flew over the bay, we’d call them bagels!

When someone is speaking, take a full breath before you reply!

A workout that works your cardiovascular and aerobic systems and raises your heartbeat and body temperature!

I am going to forgive myself and free myself. I deserve to forgive and be forgiven!

Thank someone and tell them how they made a difference in your life!

Turns out it was the refrigerator all along!

Make this a workout you do at least once a week and experience some incredible physical performance gains!

A soap opera!

I accept myself for who I am and create peace, power and confidence of mind and of heart!

A workout that will make you sweat but it will also make you hardier and more resistant to fatigue!

In case they get a hole in one!

Work your tendons, ligaments, fascial fitness VO2 Max, agility and suppleness in one handy workout!

Because if they flew over the bay, they’d be called bagels!

One is really heavy, and the other is a little lighter!

Jumping Jacks
Pacer Steps
Squat Hold Calf Raises
Deadlifts with Twist
Side Leg Raises

I didn’t know you could yodel!

Crunch Kicks
Flutter Kicks
Leg Raises
Raised Let Circles
Count Hold

Step Jacks
Shoulder Taps
W Extensions
Elbow Clicks
Bicep Expansions
Chest Expansions