Zoom Guide: Managing Participant Permissions

Zoom Guide: Managing Participant Permissions
As the Host of a Zoom Meeting, you have the ability to manage various permissions for participants to ensure smooth communication and collaboration. Here’s how you can manage participant permissions:

Screen Sharing:

  1. Access Host Controls: Once you’ve started your Zoom meeting, locate the toolbar at the bottom of your Zoom window.
  2. Enable Screen Sharing: Click on the arrow next to the “Share Screen” button to access sharing options.
  3. Select Screen Sharing Settings: Choose “Advanced Sharing Options” from the menu. This will open a window where you can adjust screen sharing settings.
  4. Choose Sharing Preferences: You have several options for screen sharing permissions:
    • All Participants: Allow all participants to share their screen.
    • Host Only: Only allow the host to share their screen.
    • Specific Participants: Select specific participants who are allowed to share their screen.
  5. Apply Changes: Once you’ve chosen your desired settings, click “Save” to apply the changes.

Chat Permissions:

  1. Access Host Controls: In the toolbar at the bottom of your Zoom window, locate the “Chat” button.
  2. Open Chat Settings: Click on the arrow next to the “Chat” button to access chat settings.
  3. Choose Chat Preferences: You have several options for chat permissions:
    • All Participants: Allow all participants to send messages in the chat.
    • Host Only: Only allow the host to send messages in the chat.
    • No One: Disable chat for all participants.
  4. Apply Changes: After selecting your desired settings, click “Save” to apply the changes.

Other Permissions:

  1. Participant Video: You can also manage permissions for participant video. Click on the arrow next to the “Start Video” button to access video settings. From there, you can choose whether participants can start video automatically when joining the meeting.
  2. Muting Participants: As discussed in the previous guide, you can manage permissions for muting and unmuting participants by accessing the participants list and using the “Mute” and “Unmute” options.


  • Communication is Key: Clearly communicate any permissions or restrictions to participants at the beginning of the meeting to avoid confusion.
  • Flexibility: Be flexible with permissions based on the needs of your meeting. You can adjust settings during the meeting if necessary.
  • Respect Participants: While managing permissions, ensure that participants still have the ability to engage and contribute to the meeting effectively.