15 Nov: Staying Active At Home

When we’re at home it can often be easy to fall into sitting on the couch and watching TV everyday when you get home from work. After a long and stressful workday, the last thing you want to do is exercise.

11 Nov: Hydration

The human body is made up of about 60% water. Therefore, hydration is a key part to living a healthier lifestyle and has so many health benefits that most people are not even aware of.

11 Nov: Food Journaling

Food journaling is a weight loss tool that involves writing down everything you eat or drink right after you consume it.

11 Nov: Goals

We all know what goals are and I am sure most of us have several goals that we want to achieve set in place. But many of us have no idea how to properly set these goals, how important goals are, or how to achieve these goals.


11 Nov: Body Mass Index

Your Body Mass Index or BMI is a measure of body fat based on your height and weight. It can indicate weather a person is underweight, healthy weight, overweight, or obese. Weighing to little or to much can cause several different health problems.


11 Nov: Tobacco Use

Tobacco is a dried leaf found in cigarettes, pipes, cigars, and chewing tobacco. Tobacco contains nicotine which is a highly addictive substance and is one of the reasons it makes stopping tobacco use so difficult for people.