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Latisha Martin
I am a self-advocate, and I am a retro gamer
Deanna Dilley
Hi all. For those I haven't met, my name's Deanna. I have been a writer since age 12. I am working on publishing my 1st poetry book for and about people with disabilities
Solomon Richardson
Artist Actor Musician Comedian Film Director Screen Writer Owner of SR Productions Owner of Cyber Records
Heather Rogers
I have cerebral palsy. I resigned from Sam’s club. I am outgoing person, fun person!
Emma Niedermeyer
I’m a Eugene, Oregon Special Olimpics athlete’s
Christina Marotto
I'm my own guardian I'm a special olympics athlete my sport that I compete is bowling in the Special Olympics summer games I also bowl for uds all star training club.
Brad Harris
I love Special Olympics and We Thrive Together. They keep me busy.
Brittany Meyer
I In fort Loramie shelby I Love being a WTT advocate. I love teaching and helping others advocate. If your having a rough day i'm sure to turn it around
Amanda Fusarini
My name is Amanda Fusarini I am 32 years old. My birthday is in June my favorite color is Teal I love dogs rabbits and Dolphins! I love doing zooms and making friends.
Ashley Parkhurst
A fun loving person. Cares a lot about others. We thrive advocate and board member. Loves art. Loves Photography. Favorite color is light blue. Loves chocolate. cats and dogs☺️
Andrea Patrick
My name is Andrea Patrick. I am honored to be apart of We Thrive Together as a Board Member, Advocate, and Museum Coordinator.
Charles Walker
I Love being a WTT advocate. I love teaching and helping others advocate. If your having a rough day i'm sure to turn it around in seconds!