Name First Last Advocacy Topics - Please Select 12 Pass the Disability Integration Act - The right to live in your own home and make your own life choices is about as fundamental as it gets. Reduce Work Disincentives: Double the length of the Social Security Trial Work Period, Double the amount of Social Security’s measurement of Substantial Gainful Activity, Make Medicaid eligibility permanent, regardless of income, for anyone needing long term care Ban sub-minimum wage Require nation-wide mandatory training for all law enforcement on dealing with disabled people Appoint disabled people to top administrative posts: Board Members, and government and policy-making positions Voting: Require polling places are accessible Accessibility infrastructure - Disabled Access Credit Expansion Act, which would double the tax credit for renovations to improve accessibility and increase the number of small businesses that are eligible to receive it. All types of families should have the right to parent with dignity. - In more than 20 states, parents with disabilities can lose custody of their children largely on the basis of a disability diagnosis. Lack of affordable and accessible housing - restore the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule and increase in federal rental assistance, guarantee legal counsel of people with DD facing eviction Access to quality affordable mental health care Children with disabilities, especially those who are also people of color, often have unequal access to educational resources, despite the law guaranteeing such access - enforce the Equity in IDEA rule Attitudinal barriers: Reduce Stereotyping, Stigma, prejudice, and discrimination related to disability Communication barriers: Written health promotion messages, captioning on videos, plain language Programmatic Barriers: Provider’s attitudes, knowledge, and understanding of people with disabilities, limited availability and accessibility of skills training Social Barriers: Related to the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, learn, work and age – social determinants of health - Employment opportunities, high school grad rates, income inequality, disparity, violence Transportation barriers: Lack of access to accessible or convenient transportation Other Advocacy Issues or Topics Δ