Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader game instructions

On the hour
Hi everybody! ________ here. We are super excited to see you back for another night of fun. We’ll get started in just a few minutes.

At 5 minutes after the hour

Alright let’s get started.  Today we are going to play Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader.  I’m going to quickly mute everyone so you can hear the instructions for tonight’s game. I have randomly separated the group into two teams. The object of the game is to test your knowledge by answering questions. Answer correctly and your team will move up the educational ladder and you will earn money along the way. 

Not sure of the answer? Don’t worry your teammates will help you along the way.  Just remember – if you can’t answer the questions correctly – you may not be Smarter than a Fifth Grader. 

The team who earned the most money during their round will be the winner.

Team one will go first and includes ___ ___ ___ ___.  ______ is your team captain and will lock in your answers. Team Two includes ___ ___ ___ ___. Your team captain is ______.

 Does anyone have any questions? Please raise your hand and I will unmute you.  Please stay muted until it is your team’s turn to answer.

 Ok. First up is ______ from Team 1.  Remember to unmute and help your captain out by shouting out what you think the answer is.  (Pause) Great. Are you ready? (Pause)  What category would you like to pick?

At the end of the game

The winner is __________.  Next up is ________.  Don’t forget to check out all the awesome events we have scheduled on our website.