Taboo Instructions

Taboo Game Instructions

On the Hour:

Hi everyone! (Your Name) here from We Thrive Together. We’re so excited to have you join us for tonight’s game of Taboo! We’ll get started in just a few minutes, so get comfortable and get ready for some fun competition.

At 5 Minutes After the Hour:

Alright, let’s get started! Welcome to Taboo night!

To make sure everyone hears the instructions, I’m going to quickly mute all participants. Here’s how the game works:

  • You’ve been randomly divided into two teams.
  • The goal is to get your team to guess a secret word without using the five taboo (restricted) words that I will send to you privately via chat.
  • If your team guesses the secret word before the timer runs out, you’ll earn a point. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins!

Game Rounds:

  • In Round 1, each team will have 45 seconds to guess their secret word.
  • In Round 2, we’ll raise the stakes by reducing the time to 30 seconds.

Gameplay Instructions:

  1. I’ll announce the player on the “hot seat” and send their secret word and taboo words privately via chat.
  2. Please confirm when you’ve received the words and are ready to begin.
  3. Your secret word will be above the dashed line, and the taboo words you cannot say will be below the line.
  4. If you accidentally say one of the taboo words, I’ll buzz you, and your turn will end.

Rules for Tonight’s Game:

  1. Be courteous and respectful to everyone.
  2. The host (that’s me!) has full discretion over the event. Please respect my decisions.
  3. Only the host is permitted to share links in the chat.
  4. Stay patient and supportive of everyone playing.

Rules for Tonight’s Game:

  1. Be courteous and respectful to everyone.
  2. The host (that’s me!) has full discretion over the event. Please respect my decisions.
  3. Only the host is permitted to share links in the chat.
  4. Stay patient and supportive of everyone playing.

Team Assignments:

  • Team 1: ___, ___, ___, ___.
  • Team 2: ___, ___, ___, ___.

Does anyone have questions before we begin? If so, please raise your hand, and I’ll unmute you. Otherwise, please remain muted until it’s your team’s turn to guess.

Let the Game Begin:

  • First up is ______ from Team 1.
    • [Player Name], do you see the secret word I sent to you via chat? (Pause for confirmation)
    • Great! Are you ready? (Pause for confirmation)
    • Good luck! Your time starts now.
  • Next up is ______ from Team 1.
    • [Player Name], do you see the secret word I sent to you via chat? (Pause for confirmation)
    • Awesome! Are you ready? (Pause for confirmation)
    • Your time starts now.

(Repeat this process as the game continues for all players and both teams.)

At the End of the Game:
Congratulations to the winning team, _________! Fantastic job, everyone! Each member of Team ___ will receive an additional 200 WTT coins for their victory.

Thank you all for joining us for this fun game of Taboo! Be sure to check out all the incredible events we have planned on our website. Have a great night, and we hope to see you again soon!