LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER Instructions

On the hour
Hi everybody! ________ here. Welcome to another fun game night. We’re super excited to have you here. We’ll get started in just a few minutes.

At 5 minutes after the hour
Alright, let’s get started! Today, we are playing Left, Right, Center (LCR). I’m going to quickly mute everyone so you can hear the instructions for tonight’s game.

Players start with three chips and take turns rolling the dice to determine which direction to pass their chips. The goal of LCR is to be the only player with any remaining chips.

One player will be chosen to start. This player takes their turn, then I will call on the next player, continuing in clockwise order until the game ends.

On your turn, I will roll the dice for you. You tell me when to stop the roll. The number of dice rolled depends on how many chips you have:

  • 3 or more chips → Roll all 3 dice
  • 2 chips → Roll 2 dice (starting from left to right)
  • 1 chip → Roll 1 die
  • No chips → You are skipped, but you’re still in the game! Other players may give you chips, and if you get one, you’ll take your turn as usual.

After the dice are rolled, I will move your chips for you based on the results:

  • L (Left) → Give one chip to the player on your left.
  • C (Center) → Place one chip in the center pot.
  • R (Right) → Give one chip to the player on your right.
  • Dot (●) → Nothing happens.

Play continues until only one player has at least one chip left—they are the winner!

Does anyone have any questions? Please raise your hand, and I will unmute you. Please stay muted until I call on you.

Alright, let’s get started. Good luck!

At the end of the game
The winner is __________! Next up is __________. Don’t forget to check out all the awesome events we have scheduled on our website.