On the hour
Hi everybody! ________ here. We are super excited to see you back for another night of fun. We’ll get started in just a few minutes.
At 5 minutes after the hour
Alright, let’s get started! Today, we are going to play Family Feud. I’m going to quickly mute everyone so you can hear the instructions for tonight’s game. I have randomly separated the group into two teams. Just a reminder, we have a few rules to follow:
- Use your manners.
- The host has 100% discretion over what happens during the event. Please respect the host’s decisions.
- The host is the only one who can put links into the chat.
- Please be patient with everyone.
Team One will go first and includes ___, ___, ___, ___. ______ is your team captain.
Team Two includes ___, ___, ___, ___. Your team captain is ______.
The object of the game is to collect the most points. Points are collected as the controlling team tries to reveal all of the correct answers to a question before receiving three strikes. Each time a team finds a correct answer on the board, they earn points.
The game continues with each team member until either the team successfully finds all the answers on the board or until they get three strikes. A strike is given for each wrong answer. No helping each other.
- If the team clears the board, they collect 100 points.
- If the team receives three strikes, control is passed to the other team.
The team that now has control will discuss possible answers with their team captain. The captain will then give one answer in hopes that it is on the board. If it is, the points shown on the board are added to the team’s score. If not, the other team keeps the points.
At the end of the game, the team with the most points wins. Don’t worry if your team falls behind—there’s always a chance to catch up! The second-to-last board is worth double points, and the final board is worth triple points.
Does anyone have any questions? Please raise your hand, and I will unmute you. Please stay muted until it is your turn to answer.
Game Play
Ok. First up is ______ from Team 1. Remember to stay muted until it is your turn, or I say it’s your team’s chance to steal the board. (Pause) Are you ready? (Pause) Well, here we go.
Introducing the board.
We surveyed 100 people, and the top ______ answers are on the board.
(Read question) __________, what would you like to guess? (Get answer)
If the answer is correct:
(Click correct answer) “It’s there! Great job! Now, let’s move to ________.”
If the answer is incorrect:
“Great guess, but it’s not there. That is strike number ________.”
- (If the team hasn’t reached three strikes, continue to the next team member.)
On the third strike:
“Ok, _________ team has a chance to steal! Unmute Team _____ and tell your team captain what answer you think is on the board. (Wait no more than one minute.)
Ok, ________ Team Captain, what is your guess? (Pause, get answer)
- If correct: (Click correct answer) “It’s there! Nice work—your team steals the points!”
- If incorrect: “Oh no, it’s not there. Team ______ wins the points!”
Let’s see what the remaining answers were:
- (Click the answer and announce it to the group. Repeat for all remaining answers.)
(Add up the points, announce the totals, and tell the group who is in the lead. Move to the next board. Alternate teams for each board, no matter who won the last round.)
(Repeat until time is up or you finish all the boards.)
At the End of the Game
The winner is __________, and they will receive 200 Bonus WTT coins! For participating, everyone will receive 100 WTT coins.
Next up is __________. Don’t forget to check out all the awesome events we have scheduled on our website!