Trusting Intuition in Forming Friendships

Trusting Intuition in Forming Friendships


Friendships are an essential part of life. They bring joy, support, and a sense of belonging. Forming new friendships can sometimes be challenging, but one valuable tool you have is your intuition. Intuition is like a natural feeling or instinct that helps guide your decisions. This article will explain what intuition is, why trusting your intuition is important when forming friendships, and provide tips on how to trust your intuition, especially for people with developmental disabilities.

What is Intuition?

Intuition is a natural feeling or a “gut feeling” that helps you make decisions without needing to think too much. It’s like an inner voice that tells you what feels right or wrong. Intuition is based on your experiences, feelings, and subconscious mind. It helps you sense things that you might not be able to explain logically.

Why Trusting Intuition is Important in Forming Friendships

  1. Safety and Comfort: Intuition helps you sense whether someone makes you feel safe and comfortable. Trusting this feeling can help you avoid friendships that might not be good for you.
  2. Authentic Connections: When you trust your intuition, you’re more likely to form genuine and authentic connections. These are friendships where you can be yourself.
  3. Quick Decisions: Intuition helps you make quick decisions. When you meet someone new, your intuition can give you a sense of whether this person could be a good friend.
  4. Understanding Others: Intuition can help you understand others better. It helps you pick up on feelings and vibes that might not be expressed in words.
  5. Avoiding Negative Experiences: Trusting your intuition can help you avoid negative experiences and toxic friendships. If something feels off, it’s important to listen to that feeling.

How to Trust Your Intuition

Trusting your intuition takes practice and confidence. Here are some steps to help you trust your intuition when forming friendships:

  1. Pay Attention to Your Feelings: Notice how you feel when you’re with someone. Do you feel happy, relaxed, and safe? Or do you feel uneasy and anxious? These feelings are important clues.
  2. Listen to Your Inner Voice: Your inner voice or gut feeling can guide you. If you feel strongly that someone could be a good friend or not, trust that feeling.
  3. Observe Actions: Watch how the person behaves. Are they kind and respectful? Actions often speak louder than words and can confirm your intuition.
  4. Ask for Advice: Sometimes, talking to a trusted adult or friend about your feelings can help. They can offer perspective and support your intuition.
  5. Reflect on Past Experiences: Think about past friendships. What did your intuition tell you about those people? How did those friendships turn out? Learning from the past can strengthen your intuition.

Signs to Trust Your Intuition

  1. Comfort and Ease: If you feel comfortable and at ease around someone, it’s a good sign that your intuition is guiding you towards a positive friendship.
  2. Mutual Respect: If the person respects you and your boundaries, your intuition is likely right in sensing a good friendship.
  3. Positive Energy: If being around the person makes you feel happy and positive, it’s a sign that your intuition is pointing you in the right direction.
  4. Supportive Behavior: If the person supports you and is there for you in times of need, your intuition might be recognizing a true friend.
  5. Shared Values: If you feel that you share common values and interests with the person, it’s a good sign that your intuition is guiding you towards a meaningful friendship.

Activities to Strengthen Your Intuition

Engaging in activities that help you connect with your feelings and instincts can strengthen your intuition. Here are some simple activities to try:

  1. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practice mindfulness and meditation to become more aware of your feelings and inner voice. This helps you listen to your intuition more clearly.
  2. Journaling: Write about your feelings and experiences. Reflecting on your interactions with others can help you understand and trust your intuition.
  3. Body Awareness: Pay attention to your body’s signals. Notice how your body reacts in different situations and around different people. Your body often gives clues about your feelings.
  4. Creative Activities: Engage in creative activities like drawing, painting, or playing music. These activities can help you connect with your inner self and intuition.
  5. Spend Time in Nature: Being in nature can help you feel more grounded and in tune with your intuition. Take walks, sit in a park, or simply enjoy the outdoors.

Dealing with Doubts About Your Intuition

Sometimes, you might doubt your intuition. Here’s how to handle these doubts:

  1. Take Your Time: If you’re unsure about your intuition, take your time. You don’t have to make quick decisions about friendships.
  2. Seek Support: Talk to a trusted adult, teacher, or counselor about your doubts. They can offer guidance and reassurance.
  3. Reflect on Your Feelings: Spend some quiet time reflecting on your feelings. Trust that your intuition is there to help you, even if it’s not always clear.
  4. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Trusting your intuition is a learning process, and it’s okay to make mistakes along the way.
  5. Learn from Experience: Every experience helps strengthen your intuition. Learn from each friendship and trust that your intuition will become stronger over time.


Trusting your intuition is a valuable tool in forming friendships. It helps you sense who makes you feel safe, happy, and respected. By paying attention to your feelings, listening to your inner voice, and observing others’ actions, you can make better decisions about friendships. Engage in activities that strengthen your intuition and seek support when needed. Remember, your intuition is a natural guide that can help you form genuine and meaningful friendships. Trust yourself and your feelings, and you will build stronger, happier relationships.