Self Advocacy: Speak Up! Personal Trauma Informed Timeline with Jamie Steele

A partnership with We Thrive Together and Ohio Self Determination Association (OSDA).  Featuring James W. (Jamie) Steele, Executive Director of Ohio Valley Residential Services (OVRS) in Hamilton County, Ohio. Jamie is also the President of the OPRA board (Ohio Provider Resource Association). Jamie is a brother of a sibling with a disability and is involved in an effort to promote the importance of “telling your story”. He illustrates how this works by telling his story of his life “time-line” with his brother. Though the “telling” is a part of trauma informed care, he will focus his presentation and interactions with attendees on the importance of identifying significant events of your past life, accepting them for what they are, creating ways and supports to build on the positive ones and ways and support to avoiding those that you do not want in your future life.