Name(Required) First Last Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Describe any challenges you encountered during your session, including technical problems, participant-related issues, or any other difficulties(Required)Share your thoughts on how the organization can provide support or resources to help resolve the issues you've experienced in your programs(Required)Training SectionAre there any specific areas in which you would like further training?(Required) Managing participant behavior Technical troubleshooting during sessions Keeping participants engaged Time management in Zoom sessions Using Zoom features effectively (e.g., breakout rooms, polls, etc.) (Please check all that apply)What additional skills do you think would help you be a more effective Zoom host?(Required)Do you feel confident in handling difficult situations during Zoom sessions (e.g., disruptive participants) Yes No or Some what? If no to any of these what can we help with?(Required)How can We Thrive Together improve its Zoom host training to better support you?(Required)What topics would you like to see covered in future training sessions for Zoom hosts?(Please list any specific areas or subjects you think should be included in training.)Are there any new rules you think we should apply to make this better?(Required) Δ